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ISSN 1134-0991 / ISSN-e 2340-2539 / Año de comienzo 1993
Área de conocimiento: Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales
Inicio >> Información para autores >> Evaluation articles

Evaluation articles

Selection process
1. Texts are received at the following e-mail address: They are to be accompanied by a letter of presentation in which the sender requests review of the article for publication in the appropriate section of the journal. It should be expressly mentioned that the work has not been published or disseminated elsewhere and that for purposes of publication it is being sent only to the journal Trabajo Social Hoy. The letter must be signed by the authors of the manuscript.
2. Upon receiving the original manuscript in electronic format, the secretary’s office of the Professional Association of Social Workers of Madrid’s publications department will confirm that the manuscript has been received, indicating, if necessary, any changes that must be made in the presentation format, in the event that the manuscript does not fulfil the requirements specified in the Instructions to Authors section.
3. After receiving the article, the secretary’s office of the publications department will anonymize the texts, making sure that the authors’ name and details are not visible during the manuscript’s evaluation.
4. The manuscript will be classified according to the sections indicated in the Type of Works Accepted section.
5. The first evaluation will be performed by a member of the Editorial Board. He or she will confirm the suitability of the manuscript’s contents as regards the journal’s subject matter and the submission’s quality in general.
6. The member of the Editorial Board will propose two professionals externals referees, to do the next stage of review, which is also anonymous. This referee will read the manuscript and write up his or her comments and opinion regarding its quality, and forward them to the Editorial Board. Referees will have a period of one month to review and send, by e-mail, their considerations, which must be well-reasoned and constructive.
7. The Editorial Board will take into account the referee’s opinion and recommendation as its make the final decision. The authors of the submission will be informed by e-mail of the acceptance or rejection of the article, and of the reasons justifying the decision.
8. There are four possible decisions:
a. Publication with no modifications.
b. Publication with minor modifications.
c. Proposal that the article be thoroughly revised by the authors prior to publication.
d. Rejection of the manuscript, proposing that it be reformulated according to the indications made by the reviewers.
e. Rejection of the manuscript.
9. Authors will be informed of the date of publication of their article, in the event that it is accepted.
10. The criteria used by the Editorial Board in making its decision are the following: originality, importance of the subject matter, presentation, quality of the writing.
11. At the end of each year the publications department will publish the statistics pertaining to the articles: number of articles received, the number accepted, the number rejected and the average time elapsing between acceptance and publication of each article.